2 bed self-catering apt a perfect size for family of 4. Adequate comfort for the price, which includes entitlement to private 30 minute slots on advanced reservation in the sauna/jacuzzi. In some self-catering apts basics like tea, coffee, oil, salt, pepper, washing up liquid are provided but here you get Old Mother Hubbard's bare cupboard. That's what we had expected though, so if you are travelling without a car, it's worth considering when packing. Also, cleaning materials like tea towels, sponges have to be supplied by the guest. All that aside, a perfect location for skiers, particularly if you are renting equipment from Inter-Sport, which is just around the corner, and the ski lifts at 'Le Lay' are also just a very short walk away. However, for nervous beginners, I'd recommend starting at the 'Loyers' slope. Take note of the limited hours reception is open and the extras you have to pay for. Overall, very satisfied.