When you only have reviews to go on sometimes you have to take a chance with the hotel. You never really know until you get there whether you made the right choice. When we were pulling into St. Lawrence gap, we realized it was in the area where the bars and entertainment were. We pulled up to the hotel and were pleased with our initial impression. When we got inside, we met the front desk staff. The morning and afternoon people appear to rotate their shifts. We had a lot of interaction with both of them. they are both phenomenal! They always had a smile on their face and were very helpful with everything including finding a great island tour. We then went to our room and were very happy with the room and the view. The pool deck outside and the view were terrific. We were right up against the water, however there is no beach attached. If you wanted Dover beach, you just had to walk down the block about three minutes. We normally like the beach, but we actually wound up spending a lot of time on the hotel deck and enjoying the waves and the pool. I was concerned that the music from the bars and restaurants might be a problem with sleeping, but with the air conditioning on, we essentially did not hear it at all. You could hear it a little when you were in the front of the room near the bathroom, but not back in the sleeping area. so that should not be a concern at all. We were very happy at the South Gap hotel and would highly recommend it!