The room they gave me was not what I had originally ordered. I ordered a room with a king bed, and they gave me a room with two queen beds. When got in the room and cut the air conditioner on, it made a loud rattling noise which was very horrible. I made a complaint to one of the front dest employees and they told me that they would send maintenance but, maintenance never showed. So, they end up calling the room, I answered, they told us to come back downstairs to pick another room key for a different room. The hallways smelled very horrible and the elevator kept getting stuck. My husband and I had never been to Mississippi, and it was our first time coming to celebrate our 11th year wedding anniversary this experience was very horrible and heartbreaking because that was not what expected to experience on first trip to Mississippi. We both were very disappointed. I will not return to this hotel on any of my future trips to Mississippi.😔