Most of the staff was amazing, but there was a blonde, older front desk clerk that could use some retraining. She was not wearing a name tag, but she was on during the day. She was snarky and snapped at my grandkids more than once. The whole family was in town to celebrate the birth of our new grandbaby and we had more than one room in the hotel. None of the rooms were big enough for all of us to gather and hang out, so we gathered in the breakfast area at the tables. We asked for trash bags to empty the trash, asked for rags to wipe tables, vacuumed after the kids went up to bed. We kept the kids quiet and contained for the most part, but toddlers do have moments where they are escape artists. The 2 year old took off running down the hall by the pool where there are no guest rooms. An older grandchild chased after him to get him and she yelled at them and told them they were disturbing guests. She gave us dirty looks constantly. Again, we kept everyone contained, the hotel was mostly empty and not a single guest gave us a second look... No one else seem bothered that we were in that area playing card games and visiting. The other desk clerks were kind and didn't seemed bothered, either. The last day my daughter and family was there, they asked for a late check out. She flat refused and said their room was already rented for that night. That was a lie as housekeeping didn't show up on the floor until 3:30 that afternoon. And the hotel was no where near full that night.